When a father returns from work or after a trip, the family longs for his return and also eagerly awaits to find out the goodies he has got for each of them. The pandemic has not only claimed lives but also stripped bread winners of their livelihood. Sacrificing the joys of being with the family, these migrants who toiled night and day were thrown out of services, denied privileges, even a safe travel back to their hometowns.
We have captured few first-hand stories and feel privileged to have done a little for each of them…
Mr Aman though advanced in years, still works for a sugar factory in Maharashtra. He travelled 3 days by bus to get home to Muzzafarnagar. On arrival, he had to be quarantined and there was no possibility to earn a living. As the rations were drying up at home, Cephas foundation reached out with supplies to feed his family for a fortnight. He says, “I am at peace now. I was wondering where I could borrow money”.
Kailash recalls his horrendous 42km journey on foot from Ambala till a truck offered to drop him to Muzzafarnagar. “With so much hopes to support my family and bring back something valuable, I went to do labour work in a city not my own. I have come back with empty hands and I am struggling to provide one full meal a day for my family” he remarks sadly. He thanked Cephas Foundation for their generous support!!